Get A New Body
By Tom Furman
They say, “If you want to be a good athlete, choose your parents correctly.” This is about 50% truthful. Great athletes are both born AND made. Part is your gene pool, but a good portion is based on choices. When we are young, those choices are often made for you. As you age, you hopefully make them yourself. These are adult decision making skills. They are not always correct. Fortunately the human body is resilient, until it isn’t. It can take years of mistreatment until it breaks or the red, “check engine”, light comes on. Hopefully this damage from poor decisions can be halted, slowed down, maybe reversed. In a way, with proactive habits and consistency, you can almost give yourself a new body. Don’t think there is free lunch however. If you smoked for 40 years, don’t think that 4 months smoke free gives you the lungs of a non smoker. Dream on.
Here are some major and minor actions that can make a difference.
- Endeavor to have an optimal power to weight ratio. This means both resistance training and aerobic training should be implemented. You want to be lean and strong. The vigor of having strength is often expressed in studies on grip strength, push ups and getting up off of the ground. They all point back to being stronger, but not being too heavy.
- If you are fat, get unfat. You may be a bigger or smaller person, but if you can pinch an inch, you need to reduce your caloric intake.
- Optimize your range of motion. This doesn’t mean doing splits. It means optimal for you. Losing the range of motion inhibits movement and moving. You burn less and avoid activity. A basic yoga, stretching or Pilates class will help here. Certain resistance training with light weights and rubber tubing is valuable as well.
- Limit alcohol. There is a fine line between healthful drinking and over drinking. A VERY fine one. If you are female, it will be even finer. Your bragging of endless intake is not a healthy attribute. Alcohol ages skin as well.
- Don’t smoke. Don’t vape. Don’t chew. The increased risk of heart disease, cancer and rapid aging of skin are defined. Cosmetically, smokers have old faces.
- Consume more vegetables, lean protein and mono fats. Keep an eye on your calories and look at Mediterranean recipes, since there is lots of research as to it’s positive effects and palatability.
- Avoid accidents. That means the basics of being strong, using seat belts, not tailgating and awareness. Not being distracted by texting is a good rule whether walking or driving.
- Limit drugs and supplements. Work with your physician to limit the total amount of prescription drugs that you ingest. As well, other than supplemental protein, creatine, magnesium, fish oil and Vitamin D, the research is hazy. With less variables you have more control.
- Study something. This can be a new physical activity, language or taking a class. The brain develops and responds to new input.
- Sleep. Getting by on little sleep is aging, period. Bragging about how little sleep you get is about the dumbest thing you can do. Focus on quality and quantity.
- Avoid tanning and certainly getting sunburned. [Don’t avoid sunshine and outdoor activity, but use sunscreen.] This is separate from your blood levels of Vitamin D which should be determined by blood test and addressed by your physician. It should not be addressed by turning your skin into rhino hide by baking poolside.
As well as these 11 points, here are some activities you can try to get your body adaptation stimulus.
Climb stairs starting with your opposite foot.
Eat with opposite hand.
Cross your legs in reverse.
Shave with the other hand.
Walk part of your exercise course backwards.
Pick up small objects with your toes.
Put on clothing starting with your other leg.
Balance on one foot while on the phone.
Use and dial your cell phone with the other ear and hand.
Change shoes frequently.
Get down with children and crawl.
Use the computer mouse in the other hand.
Rearrange your furniture every week.
Drive a different way to work.
Use different grocery stores, Starbucks, and malls.
Dial the phone and don’t use the memory dial.
Squat to pick things up and don’t bend.
Practice activities with your eyes closed.
Write occasionally with your non dominant hand.
The human body and mind are highly adaptable. If we simply apply the principles listed above and do so in a consistent manner we are on a path of change. This change can undo less constructive habits. It falls back on adult decision making skills. If you don’t like your outcomes, simply change your behavior.