Pivot the Dog

Tom Furman
10 min readNov 16, 2020


by Tom Furman

Lou Degni, aka Mark Forest, was about looks, not WODS

Let’s get this straight, this article is about looking better naked.

While you should drop fat, increase strength and improve health markers, it is about appearance.

The first Mr. Olympia, long before Arnold, was Larry Scott. When Larry moved from the farm country to LA, he had primarily 3 bodybuilding mentors. Vince Gironda, Rheo Blair and Lou Degni. Vince provided the training technology, Rheo made the best protein and Lou, was, inspirational. His physique, for it’s time, was ahead of it’s time. He had a theory on how people viewed the human body. He called it Pivot Points.

“These points consist of those “stunning” bodyparts strategically located where they “pivot” the eye … Generally they are far out from the center or belly of the muscle. When developed they lend a beauty to the physique which size alone cannot accomplish.” Larry Scott

The 9 Pivot Points are —

  1. Side and Rear Deltoid
  2. Forearms
  3. Lower Lats
  4. Upper Pecs
  5. Lower Biceps
  6. Long Head of Triceps
  7. Vastus Internus
  8. Thigh Bicep
  9. Lower Calf

The methodologies to develop these areas was taught to Larry Scott by both Vince Gironda and Lou Degni. The use of muscle isolation, intensity and specific movements are designed to enhance shape and development. For a more modern approach we can look at the madness and method of Dogg Crapp.

Enter the Dog

Dogg Crapp is the methodology of Dante Trudel. He is the owner of True Nutrition. It encompasses intensity, variety, time under tension, stretching, aerobics and suggestions on nutrition. It has been refined and clearly delineated. It is uniquely suited to develop the Pivot Points. While there are wonderful and effective exercises employed by Dogg Crapp, substituting some Gironda-esque movements for isolation purposes works well for this hybrid method.

This is not about powerlifting or your opinions on the validity of Dogg Crapp or Vince Gironda. It’s just the use of methodology to arrive at an outcome. That outcome is looking great naked, not how many chains you lift.

One of the smoothest articles that summarizes Dogg Crapp is this one.

It should be read, re-read and digested.

The highlights of Dogg Crapp are —

Intense, rest/pause sets, standard straight sets to failure and “widowmaker sets”.

Frequent, lower volume, higher intensity, style training.

Extreme stretching after working the body part.

Aerobics for recovery between lifting.

The A & B breakdown of workouts is like -

Muscle groups 1: chest, shoulder, triceps, back width, back depth

Muscle groups 2: biceps, forearms, calves, quads, hamstrings

This workout is devoid of 3 popular exercises, the squat, bench press and deadlift. You can deal with that or stop reading right now. If you make your living or sporting name by doing the powerlifts, fine. If they are important for your ego, this cannot be overlooked. However for this workout they are not necessary. So DECIDE. Remember, decide means, “to cut”.

So “A” grouping of exercises will be -

Incline Press, Seated Laterals, [bent over and upright], Gironda tricep, Gironda Motorcycle Row and Barbell Hyperextension with a backward shrug.

The “B” groupings of exercises will be -

Scott Curl/Drag Curl, Dante Trudel Machine Reverse Curl, Dogg Crapp Calf Raise, Gironda Hack Squats and Nordic Leg Curls.

Rest/Pause Sets- “The majority of exercises are to be performed in rest-pause fashion. This involves picking a weight you can hit 10 reps with. Once you are no longer able to perform the exercise with good form, take a short rest, usually denoted as being long enough to take 10–15 deep belly breaths and perform another set of technically excellent reps to failure. Take another set of belly breaths and perform one last set to failure. Once you reach 15 reps in this manner, it is time to up the weight. If you fail to reach 11, you have the option to lower the weight or attempt to do better during the next session. Although it is one working set, the rest-pause element means three quick working sets are being performed.”

Widow Maker Sets- “In the case of the squat [Gironda Hack Squat in this case], you normally perform 6–10 reps before resting several minutes and attempting the infamous ‘Widowmaker’, a fancy name for a 20 rep squat set.”

Extreme Stretching is done after each bodypart. Here is an illustrated guide for the stretches. This, in theory, allows for more growth and according to Lyle McDonald, increases the time under tension. There will be a special stretch movement after lats, designed by Lou Degni.

The Lou Degni Lat Movement. This is to be done after your rest/pause set of Vince Gironda Lawn Mower Rows.

Dogg Crapp Aerobics You should be lifting 3 days per week on alternate days using the A-B-A, B-A-B, format. Between those days aerobics are done. Easy, long, slow, aerobics. Walking on a treadmill is best. When you adapt and your heart rate drops, increase the incline by ONE degree. This is to be done 30 to 45 minutes, 3 days per week. Use the Maffetone Target range.

Dogg Crapp Nutrition— Dante Trudel mentions having up to 300 grams of protein per day. For many this is not possible and possibly unadvisable. If you are overfat or under muscled or both, pick a target weight and consume that many grams of protein per day. As well, clean up your diet, and reduce the excess. All the muscle you build with hard training shouldn’t be covered with a layer of fat. Count calories and record your intake to improve.

Now for the Pivot The Dog Workout.

“A” Workout —

  1. Incline Press.

Pick a machine, yes a machine, that works with your structure. You will use one, rest/pause set. Then follow the extreme stretching protocol for chest.

2. Seated Rear Lateral.

Using two dumbbells and sitting on the end of a bench, fold forward at the waist and maintain this posture for the duration of the exercise. If this degree of flexion isn’t happening, put a small medicine ball in your lap for support. Again, one rest/pause set.

3. Seated Lateral.

Iron Guru Image

Rest a bit after the rear raises and use the same bench set up for the standard lateral raises. Keep the movement slow, both concentric and eccentric motions. Avoid the piston-like moves common to bodybuilding gyms. When you achieve technical failure, move on to extreme stretching for the deltoids.

4. Gironda Tricep.

Move smoothly with this tricep exercise to avoid undo stress to the elbows. Avoid jerking or exploding. When you are finished with the standard rest/pause set, move into the tricep stretching protocol.

5. Gironda Motorcycle Row.

Iron Guru Photo

This article provides a rather thorough look at this exercise. Don’t try it before reading it.

Again, work to failure of technical form with a rest/pause set and follow it with the Lou Degni Scapular Rotations listed earlier.

6. Barbell Hyperextension with Lat Shrug.

The barbell helps the rest/pause set to be more efficient. As well, you can do a rearward shrug at the top of the repetition, which is an added bonus. Remember to move slowly, pause, shrug and lower. Work to failure of form within the confines of rest/pause. There is no special stretching needed here.

“B” Workout -

  1. Scott Curl/Drag Curl.
Iron Guru Photo

This is a compound movement. The Scott Curl is done to failure of form. Then, after completion, take your “pause” and step back from the bench. You will continue your rest/pause set with Drag Curls. Keep the elbows BACK and do not cheat with body english. Upon failure, move on to bicep stretching.

2. Dante Trudel Machine Reverse Curl.


This movement is unique to Dante. Please watch the video in the Instagram link for a full explanation.

3. Dogg Crapp Calf Raise.

This is the standard DC calf methodology. It is NOT for the meek.

a. Explosive concentric onto the big toe

b. 5 second eccentric lowering down to full stretch

c. Hold for 15 seconds in the stretched position

d. Repeat for 10–12 reps

4. Gironda Hack Squat.

Iron Guru photo of Don Howorth

There are many variations to the Hack Squat, Vince Gironda’s variation develops the, “Pivot Point” of the lower body well. Here is another illustration from Ironguru , with points from Vince himself.

Iron Guru photo

This is one exercise where rest/pause is not used. Start with a straight set of 8–10 repetitions to make adjustments in form and groove. This warms up the thighs as well as pre exhausting them before the WIDOWMAKER SET. Rest for a few minutes and get set to do a slow, [3 secs up- 3 secs down], unlocking, TWENTY rep set. Treat this as you would the old, “20 rep breathing squat”, sets. The last few reps will not have you see your life flash before your eyes. However you will see Gary Busey’s life flash before your eyes. After you pick yourself up, do extreme stretching for your quadriceps.

5. Nordic Leg Curl.

Photo by Performance U.

The Nordic Leg Curl is usually done only eccentrically or in plane English, the lowering portion. Some athletes can do positive-negative reps, but that takes some work. Trainees may be undeveloped and need to control descent with the use of bands or perhaps a stability ball. Do what is necessary to utilize pristine form. Work to failure of form and well within the confines of safety and common sense. Immediately move into Dogg Crapp extreme stretching for the hamstrings.

6. Gironda Frog Crunch with Weight.

Iron Guru photo

Lay flat and bend the knees while abducting the thighs. The soles of your feet should be touching. Your upper thigh/lower hip MUST be strapped down as shown in the photo. Hold a barbell plate, wrapped in a towel behind your head. DO NOT yank on your head. Smoothly contract the abdominals to the count of THREE. Pause at peak contraction and lower to a count of THREE. Continue with the standard rest/pause protocol. Upon completion roll onto your stomach and hold a Yoga, “Up Dog”, for stretching purposes. At the end of the 60 second stretch, practice stomach vacuums on your hands and knees. Warmdown with the cat/cow spinal move for health.

While this workout is about looking good, it strengthens weak points in your musculature, causes a drop in body fat and you get ample time doing heart healthy aerobics and sustained stretching. It’s win/win.

Several Points -

The goal is to handle heavier weights over months for ample repetitions using superior form.

Record ALL workouts, protein grams, calories, aerobics in a journal.

Push for 6 weeks and then back off for 2. This is called, “Blast & Cruise”, in the Dogg Crapp world. The periods may vary greatly depending on age, activity and your chemist. Cruise weeks can have you reduce weight by 50% and not go to failure. Just one set, short of failure.

Do not avoid the aerobics, adequate protein or extreme stretching.

Get 8 hours sleep.

Now get started and Pivot the Dog.

Any questions or for more specific fitness coaching, please contact me at physicalstrategies@gmail.com



Tom Furman
Tom Furman

Written by Tom Furman

Tom Furman has been involved in martial arts and fitness most of his life. He’s currently a fitness coach and been blogging since 2005. www.tomfurman.com

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